winter adventures
 Part 86


The dark and lonely road
Part 2, 2016

Me, moving. Waiting for the bus.
2016-11-21. I was by the river in the pouring rain. Heavens angels were crying.  There was an ice floe on the river.
2016-11-21. The snow was melting away.
2016-11-21. They were not working in the house this day. One of the workers was sick and we did not know if they should work in our apartment the next day. So we had to stay at home. And wake up early. So we could eat breakfast and go to the bathroom in case they should come. This was stressful.
2016-11-22. The workers came back today and put this sign on our WC. :-(
2016-11-22. Also a sign in the kitchen. The sign said. "Hi! The drains are closed" You may not use the drain. :-(
2016-11-22. We went to town because we needed to eat lunch and could go to the WC in the store. We had some delicious Chinese food in the store Utopia.
2016-11-22. There was a little Santa house in the store. You could let you present wrap in the house. Me by the house.
2016-11-22. After been in town we took the bus to the house. Again it was so nice with the light in the window. The light in the darkness.
2016-11-24. Also today I was bird-watching. Two nuthatches on the picture.
2016-11-24.  A blue tit and a great tit.
2016-11-24. Two great tits. One eating and the other waiting for his turn. He, he, they were standing in a queue :-)
2016-11-24. One of the birds flying to the feeder.
2016-11-24. Nuthatch.
2016-11-24. Great tits.
2016-11-24. A nuthatch and at the left a coal tit.
2016-11-24. A blue tit.
2016-11-24. A great tit and a bullfinch.
2016-11-24. A coal tit.
2016-11-24. There were huge pines around the house.
2016-11-24. We were living in the woods.
2016-11-24. In the evening. We went home again. There was a church on the other side of the road
2016-11-28. This evening we had to go back to the house again. When we came to the house, I was so surprised.  There were advent stars  in the widow of our room.
2016-11-28. A beautiful star in the window. It made me so happy
2016-11-28. And there were light ropes in the garden.
2016-11-28. A little Tomte said hello to us. So cute :-)
2016-11-29. Bird-watching again. A beautiful great tit.
2016-11-29. A great tit on the ground
2016-11-29. We had to go to town to eat lunch. There were many jackdaws flying over me.
2016-11-29. The jackdaws gathered together on the roof of the bank building.
2016-11-30. I was trying a "snäll-o-meter". A machine that can measure how kind you are. The machine told me I was very kind. :-)
2016-12-03. In the weekend no workers came to you home and we could have some peace. I went to Gammlia to the Christmas market. The sun was going down over the frozen pond. We only have a few hours of daylight this time of the year.
2016-12-03. The best of all was to meet the horse Helge.
2016-12-03. But I did not take a ride this time. The horse could not go in the slippery woods. They only had a little ride around the pond. But it was fun to see the horse pulling the carriage.
2016-12-06. I bought bread in the shape of hearts. And placed a tomte made of glass in the middle of the plate.
2016-12-09. I met Tomte (Santa Claus) in Utopia. Santa told me I 'm kind. I felt happy to meet Tomte.
2016-12-13. There was a gorgeous sunrise today. We can see this big lifting crane from our window. At night it's nice to see the lights on the crane.
2016-12-13. This sunset was stunning!
2016-12-14. Sunrise over the river.
2016-12-14. My walking poles in the snow in the park by the river.
2016-12-15. Another gorgeous sunrise.
2016-12-17. I met this dog last summer when it was out with her mom. I made a Christmas card in my computer with the picture of the dog, and gave it to the mom and dad who own a gift shop. The mom was alone when I gave the card. She was so happy and gave me a hug.
2016-12-23. Today I met a lady tomte Nisse. (A tomte Nisse is a kind of  male gnome who is helping Santa Claus. As she was a lady she was called Nissa instaed. Nissa and I were very happy on this picture.
2016-12-24. Christmas Eve. Our Christmas tree.
2016-12-24. The table was laid with the Christmas dinner (julbord)
2016-12-24. Almost every year I have had an animal under the tree. This year I had a mouse under the tree. He, he it's' a computer mouse :-) I got it for Christmas from Ove.
2016-12-24. But there was also a fox under the tree. I got this fox pillow from friends.
2016-12-24. The white and blue lights were on our balcony and the red light in a window.
2016-12-24. The advent candle in the living room.
The lights on the balcony. This picture was taken 2015.
2016-12-24. The balcony.
2016-12-24. The star in the tree.
2016-12-24. I got a calendar with cats and one with dogs. The calendar on the right is made with my own photos.
2016-12-24. I made this year a Christmas card with this photo. Taken by the Ume river.
2016-12-25. Advent candle. Every advent you light one more candle.
2016-12-25. We got snow. f
2016-12-25. A beautiful sunset.
2016-12-25. Some friendly tomtar (gnomes)
2016-12-28. Sunset over the river.
2016-12-28. Sunset a little later. The ice was smooth this day and the sun was reflecting on the ice.
2016-12-28. My walking poles in the park by the river.
2016-12-28. Frizon = Free zone.
2016-12-28. I was happy to be out and walk in the sunlight.
But this story has not ended yet.
I  have to move from home one more time and be on the dark and lonely road. And one more time I will miss the river and the woods.
But some day I will be free again and walk in the sunshine and get peace.
Wilhelmina Schedin 2017-03-27