Pictures of reptiles 

2003- 07-18.
I took a picture of two Cuban crocodiles att the terrarium at Skansen
in Stockholm. But they were very slow and were sleeping. But I was excited
because now I saw real crocs. I took this picture through the glass window.

2003- 07-18.
Another picture of the two crocs at Skansen in Stockholm. Some of the staff
 at Skansen told me that the crocs sometimes can jump up and hit the glass
window. Then the tourists are scared. Fortunately this glass window is strong

A beautiful snake at the Skansen Terrarium in Stockholm. We  could
 pet the snake and of course I did pet it. :-) The snake did not care
 if tourists were touching it. And it seemed to be common with people.
This snake is a Boa contrictor from Central and South America.

My tame plastic crocodile. This one is easy to handle and it will not bite :-)
Down below I have links to  real crocodile experts

Swedish viper.  (adder)

A spectacled caiman.

An albino Burmese python and a normal phase Burmese An albino Burmese python

This one must be a Lamp Redtailed Boa constrictor :-)

A Redtailed Boa constrictor

A Mexican Rose-Haird tarantula A lizard

Wilhelmina Schedin 2016-03-07