Rödluvan in the snow
Part 64
The barnacle goose 2
November 2008

2008-11-03. My summer jacket hibernated, now it was cold and I had my Rödluvan winter jacket again. I met my friend, the barnacle goose again in the park by the hospital.

2008-10-30. It was winter. The pond at campus was frozen and there was white frost on it. No ducks could be there.
2008-10-30. But the pond by the hospital has always open water in winter. The ducks hibernate there.
2008-10-30. The ducks were hungry. Here a male duck eating out of my hand.
2008-10-30. Now the female is eating out of my hand
2008-11-03. It was a cloudy day and it was bitter cold.
2008-11-03. A part of the pond by the hospital was frozen. Ducks were sitting on the ice.
2008-11-03. Three ducks trying to get a bit of bread.
2008-11-03. But what's going on there! The Barnacle goose was standing there. No, this could not be true, he should have been with the farmer.
2008-11-03. But it WAS true,  it WAS the Barnacle goose.
2008-11-03. I saw the ring on his leg. Oh no! What to do now!
2008-11-03. The goose saw me and started honking.
2008-11-03. He came rather near me.
2008-11-03. He was honking again and asking for food.
2008-11-03. I still was amazed.  Here he was standing in front of me waiting for food.
2008-11-03. Of course I gave him food.
2008-11-03. But all the ducks wanted food too.
2008-11-03. I tried so hard to put the food in front of Barnacle's beak.
2008-11-03. He was hungry and also took the small crumbs.
On this picture the frozen pond at campus behind me. The pond at Mariehem was frozen too. That's why the goose came to the hospital pond.

2008-11-03. I called the farmer's number when I came back to work. But he was busy and another man answered. The man said that the Barnacle goose never followed with the others to the farm. He was left alone by the Mariehem pond. But when that pond was frozen he moved to the hospital pond.

The man said that they should pick up their geese and take them to the farm. But the barnacle goose flew away. And now he was in the pond by the hospital. He will not survive here in winter. the man said he should go to the hospital and pick up the barnacle goose.
2008-11-04. It was not so cold that day. The white frost was gone. I went to the pond by the hospital again.
2008-11-04. The goose was still there.
2008-11-04. He was eating of the grass.
2008-11-04. Now the goose saw me
2008-11-04. I was wondering if the farmer could pick him up or not
2008-11-04. Now the goose was honking and asked for food.
2008-11-04. And he followed me.
2008-11-04. But all the ducks wanted to take the food.
2008-11-04. The ducks were faster as the goose.
2008-11-04. But I put the food near the goose so not the ducks took everything.
2008-11-04. Here the goose found some bread crumbs.
2008-11-04. The goose found some more crumbs.
2008-11-04. Do you have more food?
2008-11-04. I told the goose to look at me when I threw the food.
2008-11-04. Now the goose got a bigger bit of bread. The duck beside the goose also has a ring.
2008-11-04. It was fun for me when the goose came closer. But he never dare to come too close.
2008-11-04. Hungry birds.
2008-11-04. And a hungry goose.
2008-11-04. Here the ducks got most of the bread. They were so fast
2008-11-04. I put more bread in front of the goose.
2008-11-04. The duck tried to take it.
2008-11-04. Now the goose was angry and was biting the male duck.
2008-11-04. And was biting a while.
2008-11-04. OK. Do you have more food?
2008-11-04. Yes I had more food. But more ducks came and took it.
2008-11-04. The goose became angry again.
2008-11-04. I said. "Take the bread out of my hand". But the goose dare not to do this. He was still a wild goose and did not want to come too near people.
2008-11-04. Here the goose was biting a female that just had taken the food from him.
2008-11-04. The duck was quacking loudly.
2008-11-04. The goose went back to med again.
2008-11-04. More food came down.
2008-11-04. And another duck had to be bitten
2008-11-04. Still biting the female.
2008-11-04. Now the goose got some food.
2008-11-04. The goose was honking.
2008-11-04. I loved to look at the goose when he was standing like this.
2008-11-04. He got more food.
2008-11-04. And more food.
2008-11-04. Now the ducks were there again.
2008-11-04. The goose was honking.
2008-11-04. Here he was eating.
2008-11-04. A female was stupid to him and took his bread. The goose did bite her.
2008-11-04. Now he was ready to ask for food again.
2008-11-04. Honk, honk. Thank you for the food.
2008-11-04. Three birds eating.
2008-11-04. I succeeded to give the goose a bigger bit before the ducks were there.
2008-11-04. The male mallard took the bread.
2008-11-04. The goose was biting him and chase him away him.
2008-11-04. Still chasing away the mallard duck.
2008-11-04. The goose got a lot of bread crumbs on his feathers.
2008-11-04. All were waiting for more bread.
2008-11-04. I gave the goose more food. He needed it. the farmer never came that day to pick up the barnacle goose. Later the farmer called me. He had been to the hospital pond at November 5. Then the goose was gone.
2008-11-04. This was the last picture I took of the goose. He was looking to her saying. "Goodbye Rödluvan. I have to go. I need to make a long trip".
2008-11-04. He turned around and walked away.
After that he was flying away.
Barnacle geese are moving at night. I was looking up at the dark sky. A bright star was shining. The star should show the way for the barnacle goose.

I missed him.

Wilhelmina Schedin 2014-07-24